Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Saturday, November 13, 2021

You never know

This morning, James went with me to the Blanco Cemetery so I could take headstone photos for When we were done, I treated him to lunch at the DQ. On the way inside, I grumbled as I stepped over a glass bottle in the parking lot. On the way out, I stepped over it again. Only THIS time, I did the right thing and picked it up. My intention was to take it home for recycling. Well, I just happened to notice......
...that a mama green lacewing (Chrysoperla sp.) laid eggs on it! So I held it on the drive home and carefully laid it in a flower bed in our back yard. I'll recycle the bottle later!

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Notes to myself

Last month on Facebook, I offered Edwards Plateau crestrib morning-glory (Ipomoea edwardsensis) seeds to anyone who lived within its native range. I shared seed packets with at least seven people. My crestribs produced a LOT of seeds this season so yesterday I spread some around our place. Like under the barbed wire fence on the Greenlawn Street easement and under lantanas and fragrant sumac in the Meadow. I'm hoping to help boost populations of this uncommon native species.