Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New-to-me flowers and an OUCH

Alas, James plans to mow later this week. I know, I know. The horseherb (our volunteer native ground cover) needs some discipline. But I always hate to think of all the resident creatures that get run over and chewed up in the process. James said he'd buy me a little flute so I can whistle a warning to everyone before he gets going. Har har.

In the meantime, I thought I'd better get some pictures of plant mysteries I'm trying to solve before...well, you know what....

Purple spiderling
Boerhavia purpurascens
I identified this tiny but pretty bloom per Wildflowers of Texas by Geyata Ajilvsgi.

Mystery #1
A rouge-plant?
I don't think so but that's my best guess so far.

Mystery plant #1 (second photo)

Mystery #2
A species from the pea family?
UPDATE JULY 12, 2012--It's a coastal indigo (Indiogera miniata)!

Mystery #3
I brushed against this little plant in the Meadow the other evening and OUCH!! Stung/burned like crazy but no visible reaction erupted on my skin. I'm guessing a nettle species but haven't figured it out as yet. Click on the photos and you can see the bristly hairs on the leaves and seeds. OUCH again!

UPDATE JULY 12, 2012-- It's a branched noseburn (Tragia ramosa)!!

Mystery #3 (second photo)


Caroline said...

Purple spiderling! I've been trying to identify that one for WEEKS. Thank you, thank you! Mystery #1 looks like shrubby copperleaf (Acalypha phleoides) - check out It's growing in clumps all over my "meadow", too.

Sheryl Smith-Rodgers said...

Well, thank YOU, Caroline! I think you're right on the shrubby copperleaf!

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