Monday, September 12, 2016

Carrion plant

For the first time, my carrion plant (Stapelia sp.)–gifted to me last year by my friend Nancy–is blooming! Though not a Texas native, this genus is so interesting.... 

WOWZER–news flash! I just learned that this south African native belongs to the milkweed family of Asclepiadaceae! I never knew that! For years and years, my former husband grew a carrion plant in a large clay pot on our front porch (he may still have it) so I'm familiar with the plant and its ability to produce a "dead meat" aroma that attracts pollinating flies. Now I see the carrion plant's five-pointed star bloom–common to milkweed flowers–that will turn into a milkweed seed pod complete with white fluff

The carrion plant definitely is a milkweed. Look what showed up today (Sep. 13)–milkweed bugs!

1 comment:

Rock rose said...

I love this plant for its flower but have to admit I remove it as soon as I see there are tiny fly larvae. I really don't want those flies buzzing around. This time around I kept a close watch and the plant and did not see any eggs or hatchlings. It finally withered and died.

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