Monday, September 21, 2020

A milkweed surprise!

Yesterday evening, we were walking in the Meadow. I just happened to see a plant I hadn't noticed before growing near a lantana. Then I leaned down and got a CLOSER look. 


"It's a ZIZOTES," I hollered at James. "It's a ZIZOTES! I can't believe it! It's a zizotes!" 

Why the zealous happiness and excitement on my part? Because the only pre-existing zizotes milkweed (Asclepias oenotheroides) grows on our neighbor's adjoining land, which has been left native like the Meadow. I was so excited when I found that one freely growing on their property. I staked it and have watched over it through the years. But it's not mine. Someday, it will likely go to plant heaven. 

Which is why I was so thrilled to find one growing on our property. I can't believe I didn't see it before now. I have NO clue how it got there, either. The other zizotes has never produced viable seeds that I know of. From the looks of it, this one is super healthy, well established and obviously very happy living in our Meadow. Yay!

I had to pinch off a leaf to make sure it was really a milkweed. The milky white sap confirmed that it is!

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