Tuesday, June 10, 2014


My stubborn zizotes milkweed
You might or not might recall that I bought and planted my own zizotes milkweed Asclepias oenotheroides in April. I was excited to get my own because last December I discovered the rare species growing on the property that adjoins our Meadow (see "New milkweed species"). Well, after the rounds of hail that came in May, my new zizotes died. Or so I thought. Because it resprouted! I was THRILLED. It was growing nicely and getting larger. Then two weeks ago, we had more than 5 inches of rain. The plants loved all the moisture. But for some reason, my zizotes DIED. Once again, I was sad. Well....guess what? I checked, and the zizotes has resprouted AGAIN! At least, I'm hoping that's what's coming up next to the dead part (see photo above). Stay tuned.    
In the meantime, I believed I've spotted at least one zizotes seedling poking up in the Meadow (photo above). Last year, after our neighbors' zizotes went to seed, I collected some and spread them around the Meadow. Keeping my fingers crossed! I'm also watching the neighbors' zizotes because it's about to bloom (photo below). I missed the flowers last year. I want to photograph them this time. I love milkweed flowers.

In the Meadow, we also have purple milkweed vine (photo above) and antelope horns growing.

1 comment:

Debra said...

Tough plants! I look forward to seeing more about them.

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