Sunday, April 12, 2015

Southern dewberries

I've lived here in this home since 2002. In the beginning, I fought a mean, prickly vine called southern dewberry. It sprawled in a far corner of the back yard and refused to behave. I knew what it was because I'd become acquainted with dewberries while living in East Texas around 1988. Back then, I'd put Patrick, just barely walking, in a little red wagon and pull him all over Martin Creek Lake State Park (where we lived at the time) so I could hunt for dewberries. A lot went into my bucket for a future pie. A lot more went into little Patrick!

Anyway, fast forward to the Pink House and my new life here. After James came along and we started our Texas Wildscape in 2007, I finally relented and awarded the stubborn vine its own metal name marker. "You win," I said. "I give up. You can stay. I'm not gonna fight you any more."

After all, Rubus trivialis is a Texas native!

Well, lo and behold, this spring "my" dewberry bloomed in profusion! For the first time ever, we've got REAL dewberries! 

Okay, not a whole lot. But, hey, it's a start. And it's about time, Ms. Southern Dewberry!


1 comment:

TexasDeb said...

Mmmmm dewberries! I hope you get the majority of them - around here most anything that blooms and then fruits ends up in the mouths of the birds or the squirrels long before the humans get a share.

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