Saturday, February 20, 2010

First daffodil

This morning, we have fix or six daffodils starting to bloom. James said he saw them yesterday. Gray, dreary day out there today, but I stepped out long enough to shoot a few photos. Last year, the first one bloomed February 12 so they're a bit late this year.

It should be a beautiful spring with lots of wildflowers since we've had so much rain in the past few months. Such a blessing! And a lot to look forward to.....

Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's beginning to look a LOT like spring!

No rain for a few days, and warm sunshine this afternoon. So I got out with my shears and trimmed trimmed trimmed. It was VERY popular with the bees!

For more than an hour, I cut back dead blue mistflower, salvia branches, Mexican bush sage, Indigo spires and turk's cap. I could already see some green here and there, peeking out from under the leaves and debris. Wonderful!!

But first, I noticed this lone dandelion bloom in the back