I did it again. I just can't help it. Rescuing is part of my nature.
On Friday, while getting ready for family to arrive for a delayed Thanksgiving dinner, I spotted a spider perched forlornly on the inside of our kitchen window screen. See, cobweb spider ladies and their descendants live between the screen and window on a consistent basis. But this little gal was not a cobweb. My first instinct told me lynx spider.
Since James wasn't around, I climbed onto the kitchen counter and leaned up for a closer look. Yup, I was right. Because I didn't know the exact species (green lynx spiders can grow pretty big), I concluded that I best rescue my little friend or else she'd be stranded behind the glass window forever.
That decided, I now had to move things off the window sill and straddle the sink before I could unlatch the decades-old window locks and pull up the ancient window. Several minutes later, mission accomplished! THEN I had to corral the lynx into a jar, using a skinny paintbrush that I'd grabbed. Like jumping spiders, lynx spiders vault to get from place to place so I had to be extra careful. Finally, though, the lynx cooperated. After getting the window closed and locked again, I climbed back down from the counter with my tiny rescuee safely in the jar.
After a quick photo session, I took her outside and released her in some salvias. Live long and prosper, little one!