While doing some research, I ran across this list on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website, and thought I'd share our ecoregion species–the Edwards Plateau.
Here's what TPWD states on the site: Along with species that have been afforded legal protection (Federal and State Listed Species)
due to risk of extinction, Texas hosts well over 1,300 species that are
considered to be Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN).
Native animals or plants designated as a SGCN are generally those that
are declining or rare and in need of attention
to recover or to prevent the need to list under state or federal
regulation. These species are the focus of Texas Parks and Wildlife
Texas Conservation Action Plan
and guide the department's nongame conservation efforts.
The lists of SGCN below also inform regional and local conservation
efforts and highlight the rich biological diversity and unique natural
heritage of Texas.
I decided to make screen shots and share the list here in case anyone's interested...

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