In the mornings, when I'm out watering our little vegetable garden, I usually spot three or four black-bellied tree ducks (Dendrocygna autumnalis), hanging out in our live oaks in the front yard. Occasionally, they practice their acrobatic skills and wobble on the utility lines. Like some did this morning. It's really funny to watch. With their big pinkish feet, they balance and sway on the line, trying to keep their balance. But they're very shy. As soon as a car zips by on the street below, they take off.
Which they did this morning.
In the evenings, right around 7:30 or so, we usually hear the ducks before we see them. They twitter in a loud, high-pitched call as they flap overhead. After circling a few times, they land either back in our front live oaks or in oaks across the street. As I mentioned before, they seem to be very nervous birds. They'll perch on a limb awhile, twitter back and forth, then take off. Sometimes they return.
Sometimes they don't.
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