Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Getting ready for next spring

What a blessing! We've been getting some good rains this past week. So Sunday afternoon, before a storm blew through, I threw out some bluebonnet and Indian paintbrush seeds in the Meadow. More rain is on the way this week, too!


Melody McMahon said...

Sheryl, are you of the mind that it's better to sow wildflower seeds when they do it naturally after going to seed in the spring or in the fall? After years of growing flowers, especially bluebonnets and poppies, I've noticed that the ones that come up first and do the best are the ones that are from seeds that fell off the plants from the year before, not the ones that I sowed the seeds in the fall. I do have some bluebonnets that have germinated and sprouted right now from the recent rains but there's enough seed for next springs flowers too. Thoughts?

Sheryl Smith-Rodgers said...

Melody, I'm either way, I guess. But this year, I decided I'd spread these extra seeds when everyone plant-wise in the Meadow was seeding out, too. Follow Mother Nature. I'll be interested to see if the paintbrushes show up where I threw the seeds.

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