Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Ahoy, mate!

We've been collecting condensation water from our air conditioner unit for years in a bucket. The "free" water has been great, especially during our past extremely hot, dry summer months. The downside: Insects and spiders jump or fall into the water and can't get out. We're usually good about checking the bucket every morning for potential drowning victims. But every once and a while, someone ends up lifeless on the bottom (except for Lazarus, which I blogged about several times). So I've been trying to figure out a raft of some sort. Behold my tongue depressor solution! The click beetle climbed right on! The only problem now is that once the sticks absorb water, the raft sinks. Which means I have to remove the raft in the morning so it can dry out. My next idea is to maybe attach some Styrofoam foam pieces on the bottom so it can float indefinitely. We'll see! 

Styrofoam pieces
UPDATE May 6, 2023
Look who stopped by to float! An indomitable graphic moth (Melipotis indomita).
It didn't stay long.


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