Monday, May 8, 2023

Bah, bugs!

In April 2012, I reported our awful infestation of beetles (Phaedon desotonis) beetles. That spring, they decimated our stiff greenthreads in the Meadow. It was awful. Now and then, I spot a few of those dratted beetles, but they've yet to return with such a venegance. 

THIS year, meet the conchuela bug (Chlorochroa ligata). A few days ago, I noticed quite a LOT of them on our agarita bushes, evidently either eating the berries and/or laying eggs in them. According to, they do feed on agarita fruits. I shrugged. Everybody's gotta survive. 

That is, until YOU EAT MY BLUEBONNET SEED PODS! ARGH! As you can imagine, I was NOT thrilled to find one yesterday in the Meadow on a bluebonnet. You can see how it completely destroyed the pods. As I like to say, "That's nature!" But sometimes, it sure does stink. 

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