A few pockets of water still survive. Lower temperatures in winter months
slow evaporation, I guess.
slow evaporation, I guess.
I found this plant, blooming with yellow flowers. Gotta figure out what it is. A few butterflies flitted by and landed on the blooms. So did a ladybug I photographed and posted here. Speaking of butterflies, I saw several different species, including sulphurs, Gulf fritillary, and maybe a red admiral. In the middle of January!
Tenacious grasses find homes in holes etched within limestone rocks. Amazing.
Throughout our trek, James kept his head down mostly, eyes peeled for arrowheads and blanks. While he searched, I looked around and listened, too. We saw a hawk, maybe a red-tailed? Heard it, too,when it landed in a far-off tree. Several dove flew out of brambles along the river bank as I approached. I heard cardinals and a woodpecker. Later I heard, then spotted, some wrens. Above us, black vultures soared high against the blue sky.
It was so very sad to see the Blanco River not a river. Yet I know the rains will return.
The white limestone rocks will disappear and once again be covered with water. Flowing water. That's the cycle of nature. Of life. Wildlife will survive and return. Even
the minnows and catfish will come back. Somehow. Someday.
They always do.
It was so very sad to see the Blanco River not a river. Yet I know the rains will return.
The white limestone rocks will disappear and once again be covered with water. Flowing water. That's the cycle of nature. Of life. Wildlife will survive and return. Even
the minnows and catfish will come back. Somehow. Someday.
They always do.
Wow. Does the riverlook like thisin the state park right now?
No. In the state park, three dams keep plenty of water for canoeing, fishing, etc. There's also a fourth dam further upstream.
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