Friday, May 11, 2012

Stock tank pond ponderings...

In July 2008, James photographed this stock tank pond at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin. I think it measures 4 or 5 feet across and 2 feet deep.
So now that James has graduated, we're contemplating a new project....a stock tank pond in the back yard. We've ordered a 3x2-foot galvanized round tank, which should come next week. I've studied Pam Penick's "How to make a stock-tank pond" post on her Digging blog and will post our own photos, too. Stay tuned!


Rock rose said...

Yes, I too am getting ready to do a tank pond. When I told him we weren't going to do it until September he asked me why we had bought it so early. Because I was picking him up at the airport and it was close by the store that sells them. Right now it is out back and probably has some water in it. At least 2" I say. I will also use Pam's instructions so thanks for the link. I will read it again.

Sheryl Smith-Rodgers said...

I want to take and post photos etc. as we make our pond. Stay tuned!

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