Check off another project from our to-do list! Yesterday, we freshened up the stock tank. We didn't do a complete water change-out and tank cleaning, but we did pull out plants for trimming.

I tidied up the lemon bacopa (it really smells citrusy!), which spread over to the water lily pot.

There's a ham in every family.

Next we worked on the horsetail rush. Man, does it put out the ROOTS! But somehow, it survives all the hair cuts, year after year.

As best as I could, I siphoned out the stringy algae gunk. I only caught on gambusia, but we got it out of the net in time.

Ta da! Much better! See the one gambusia swimming over the rock (left bottom side)? In a few weeks, we'll take the dwarf water lily to nursery to have it divided. I haven't have that done since April 2014. Yikes! It's been THAT LONG?
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