So last weekend, James and I took off for southwestern Travis County on a magazine assignment. We toured Hamilton Pool Preserve, Milton Reimers Ranch and Westcave Preserve. It was SO cool to see some of our native friends, growing naturally in their own neighborhood.
Along the way, we also saw lots of wedelia and blackfoot daisies in bloom. We also met some new native plants, like....
Grindelia lanceolata
(David Bennett at Westcave identified this and other plants for me)
Garrya ovata ssp. lindheimeri
Northern spicebush
Lindera benzoin
(I want one of's a caterpillar host plant for the spicebush swallowtail!)
Prairie false foxglove
Agalinis heterophylla
This pretty wildflower was blooming along roadsides. Even the foliage is purplish.

Lindera benzoin
(I want one of's a caterpillar host plant for the spicebush swallowtail!)
Agalinis heterophylla
This pretty wildflower was blooming along roadsides. Even the foliage is purplish.
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