Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sprucing up the stock tank pond

Only one lonely gambusia had been swimming around in our stock pond tank. And the dwarf water lily desperately needed dividing. So yesterday, James and I made a long trip to Water Garden Gems near Marion. You've got to call ahead for directions (it's tricky to find), and Julie there was so nice on the phone every time I called. After we got there, she took my 'Indiana' lily to a back shed and got to work. Poor lily–it was more crowded than I thought. While she cut it down to one plant and repotted it, James and I meandered around the grounds. Beautiful! 

I liked this ground fountain.
James made LOTS of friends in the koi room. 

He was fascinated with all the fish.

A front tank had gambusia, bullfrog tadpoles and trapdoor snails. I bought two of the latter.

I really liked this container water garden.

A pretty in-ground pond. If we had a LOT of money, we'd hire someone to put one in AND maintain it. :-)

We were back home three hours later with more than 10 gambusias, a repotted lily, a bunch of anarchis and a pot of new parrotfeather. 

Last to go in....fish friends for my lonely gambusia plus two snails–Bob and Nancy. I'm so excited to get the pond back up and running again and looking great.


martha deeringer said...

Your horsetail rush looks so healthy. Did it survive the winter outside? I need to get one of those for the water garden at Mother Neff Park. Maybe the deer wouldn't be as enthused about eating it. They loved the taro.

Pam/Digging said...

You mean you can hire someone to divide water lilies FOR you? Now that's the way to do it! (Messy work) Looks like a cool place.

Sheryl Smith-Rodgers said...

Yes, Martha, the horsetail did survive. The freezes and three bouts of hail knocked it down some height-wise. But overall, it's gone great. And yes, Pam! Hill Country Water Gardens last year potted up some hornwort for me. Maybe they do lilies, too.

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